Education Re-Imagined

Moving beyond marks

Iterative feedback scaffolds and validates learning

Assessment with integrity

Learning Innovators was founded by a group of passionate educators dedicated to sharing the power of learner-centered assessment. We have lived experience of the transformative potential systemic shifts in assessment can achieve and have witnessed a resounding impact in learning outcomes for students. Energised by this success, Learning Innovators exists to support like-minded and progressive educators to empower their students through the adoption of student-centred, assessment-driven learning.

See how our streamlined approach can help you improve learning outcomes:

  • Assessment for Learning

    Transform assessment practices to direct student focus toward learning. Students progress through a carefully designed sequence of tasks to achieve and demonstrate their learning.

  • Feedback Driven

    Engage students in formative feedback dialogues with teaching staff, using iterative feedback cycles to develop competencies and validate achievement.

  • Process over Product

    Design tasks to explicitly focus on learning by capturing the process and journey to achievement, rather than just the final product.

  • Assess Holistically

    Use grade-aligned personas to guide and inform students about their available learning journeys. This makes grades more valid and more meaningful to students.

  • Empower Students

    Give students agency in their learning through a feedback process that enables them to act on feedback, engage in dialogues with teaching staff, and gain support in their learning journey while validating their achievements.

  • Differentiate Outcomes

    Use grade-aligned tasks to both scaffold learning for passing students and challenge high achievers beyond traditional approaches.

How we help

Looking to empower your staff and students?

By partnering with Learning Innovators, you'll challenge the status quo and support your institution to lead a purposeful impact on learning outcomes for your students.

With our support, you will:

  • Experience a partnership model that is tailored to your needs. We'll work with you to co-design and co-develop features that will accelerate education for your institution.
  • Receive mentoring and support from educators who have made the transition, in addition to technical and platform support for our free and open source tools. Let us take care of the platform, you take care of the teaching.
  • Be part of a community of like-minded educators who are passionate about enhancing education, not just the bottom line.
  • Gain access to a focused platform that enables you to scale a powerful, student-centred approach to learning across your institution. Our platform is designed to support the approach, not the other way around.
  • Take advantage of easy-to-use tools that support your staff and students, making it quick and easy to track progress, provide feedback and communicate effectively.
  • Empower learning designers to utilise assessment to drive learning, where learning design is central to curriculum design and staff-student interactions.
  • Embrace a supportive approach that moves beyond marks to help students focus on what they have achieved, rather than where they lost points, bolstering their sense of pride and achievement.
  • Ensure actionable feedback is central to learning, and boosts student engagement in formative feedback dialog with teaching staff - ultimately enhancing learning outcomes.
  • Adopt meaningful grades that are more valid and designed to be qualitatively different and clearly communicated to students.
  • Continuously evolve to incorporate the latest advances in learning design and technology, with access to regular updates and new features.

Coming Soon

Exciting updates and content are on their way. Stay tuned for new ways to enhance learning!